05.03.2011 for Up-gradation of Software



Advocate General for the State
(Computer Branch)

Quotation No. Qtn.-7

Quotations are invited for Up-gradation of Software, the specifications are given below:

List Checking

Auto checking and generation of the report for our cases from the following 19 Punjab highcourt cause lists:

  • All Cause Lists
  • All Except Lok Adalat Main List
  • All Except Lok Adalat and Regular Main List
  • Lok Adalat Main List
  • Ordinary Main List
  • Ordinary Supplementary List
  • Regular Main List
  • Regular Supplementary List

  • Regular Special Main List

  • Regular Special Supplementary List

  • Taken Up Main List

  • Urgent Main List

  • Urgent Supplementary List

  • Special Db's List

  • Misc. List

  • Fix Today List

  • Company Cases List

  • Completion Cases Main List

  • Completion Cases Supplementary List

There will two reports generated for each type

  1.     The report showing the cases those should exist in our database. It should show the entire bunch of case from   list with highlighting our case number in that


  1.     The report showing the cases those belongs to the Punjab but it does not exist in our database


  1.     The generated report should be accurate.

This entire process should be performed fast and can be done any number of times during the day


Following new reports will be developed

  1.      Case wise Report
  2.      Legal affair report – This report will show the summary as well as detail.  It will show how many cases has  been decided and entered, number of pending cases, cases in favor and against us during a period of time.
  3.      Rack wise report – Which user has entered how many entries
  4.      Generation of a report showing the cases  does not have correspondence details


Following Changes need to be done in existing reports

  1.      Font for the reports should be increased so that it can be readable without zooming it
  2.      If the case type is CRM and police station is not entered than the record should display in civil report
  3.      In Civil report displays the main grouping name on each page to avoid the confusion.
  4.      Jail wise report should be grouped on jail column

Following validations should be implement so that there will be no chances of wrong or invalid data entry

Main Case

  1.     The first part of the case number should take the values from the drop down list only there will no option to manually typing of the data in this field
  2.      The third part of the case number should show only valid types based on the option selected in first part. For example: if we select CRM in first list than the third part should show only M, MA, ..  These values can be added in future so this should be flexible
  3.      After saving the record form should be cleared and reset to default values

 Case Correspondence

  1.     This form should add one address row automatic for each main department  selected in main case window. This address list will be provided by us
  2.      While saving the correspondence address it should check the main departments selected in main case and the address entered   for the department if there is any mismatch than it should not save the records until correspondence detail of all the departments is not entered.
  3.     Rearrange some of the fields for better navigation and data entry
  4.     Fixing the default values of some fields so that we need not to enter those values every time we should enter the values only if the field has different value.



  •        If Case is CRR and CRA than Date of decision and jail if required.
  •       Only one set from the following should be accepted not the both or combination of both
    FIR No and FIR date
    Complaint Number and Complaint Date


Case Detail

  •          There will be two options for entering the remarks
    1.     Fixed remarks
    2.     Option for manual entry and there will option to open big window to enter the big remarks
    3.     Admin should able to make the corrections in any case detail
  •          Implement some validations while entering the data

By Order:

Rupinder Singh Khosla,

Addl. Advocate General Punjab

exercising the power of Learned

Advocate General Punjab.

Last modified date : 25-06-2018
Updated On: 25/06/2018 - 14:25
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