Quotations are invited for supply of 7 numbers of 19" LCD monitors of computer. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order for purchase of the same.
Quotations are invited for RCR on CD-ROM one Set. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order for purchase of the same.
Quotations are invited for supply of 8 numbers of HP 1020 Plus Printers. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order for purchase of the same.
Quotations are invited for Binding the books of law journals and Gazettes. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order.
Quotations are invited for the One set of Cordless Keyboard/ Mouse and One Wireless router. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order of the same.