Quotations are invited for the repair of 8 Nos. Split Air Conditioner, 2 Nos. Window Air Conditioner. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order of the same.
Quotations are invited for purchase of Color Cartridge of HP 1025 Color Printer. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order of the same.
Quotations are invited for the providing and fixing of Blinds in one room. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order of the same.
Quotations are invited from the intersted scrap dealers for providing rates of Old decided files/cases. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order of the same.
Quotations are invited for 2 Nos. of Extension Cable cord. Quotations should reach this office within three days time enabling this office to consider and place order of the same.